Worship & Groups

Worship Services
Emmanuel Lutheran Church worship services are vibrant and spirit-filled. We follow the liturgical church calendar year beginning with Advent and ending with the Season of Pentecost. We have beautiful special services for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost Sunday. We love to sing and enjoy a variety of musical gifts from members of our congregation.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee assists the pastor with planning special worship services and creating grace-filled worship experiences for the whole congregation. They provide leadership for the Altar Guild. Members also aid in finding members to share their time and talents by assisting during worship. The Chair of the Worship Committee is elected by the congregation and is a member.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is made of both men and women who prepare the Holy Communion elements of bread and wine as well as the preparation of the altar for worship. They pay close attention to the liturgical calendar and change the altar paraments related to the different seasons of the church year. The Altar Guild reports to the Worship Committee. If you'd like to be a member of the Altar Guild, please reach out to the office.

Music Committee
The Music Committee works with the musicians who provide music leadership at all our services. The committee also works with the vocal choir director, Becca Toso Mahowald, to provide guidance and leadership for the vocal choir’s music for praising God throughout the year. Becca also leads a youth ukelele choir called Joyful Strummers. The music committee also works with the director of the bell choir, Shelley Jensen, who leads the bell choir’s offering of their gifts during worship services during the year. Generally, the bell and vocal choirs meet for practice on Wednesday evenings between September and May. All are welcome to participate in these choirs. The chairperson for the Music Committee serves as an elected member of the church council.

Sharing of Your Time and Talents
Members of the Family Service Groups are encouraged to offer their time and talents through the many opportunities of weekly worship services. All members are encouraged to serve as Scripture Readers, Acolytes, Greeters, Snack Providers, Coffee Makers and Communion Servers. If you'd like to be a Technology Specialist and help with the tvs during worship, reach out to the office for training. If you'd like to be an Usher and help with the audio and other duties, please reach out to the office. We'd love to have your help!